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Welcome to EmbedElite

Discover our vision, meet the team, and explore how we're revolutionizing the way AI assets are exchanged.

Revolutionizing AI Asset Exchange

Our Vision

As the usage of Large Language Models (LLMs) burgeons across industries, the demand for accurate, relevant, and easily accessible public context grows parallelly. At EmbedElite, we aim to meet this demand head-on, revolutionizing the AI asset exchange landscape.

Our Team

Meet the Team

Meet our dedicated team of tech visionaries and industry veterans leading the way in democratizing access to data and AI.

Lukas Schmyrczyk

Lukas Schmyrczyk


With his roots in the SaaS field and a history of building an ML hosting platform at a top 10 bank, Lukas leads the team with rich industry knowledge and experience.

Christoph Drayss

Christoph Drayss


As venture capital fund operator from Rocket Internet/Global Founders Capital, Christoph brings financial and operational expertise to the operation.

Transparency and Innovation

Our Values

Our values revolve around transparency, collaboration, and innovation. That's why we provide open-source components for professionals and enterprises to create privacy-first, trustworthy AI solutions.


We uphold the highest standards of openness in our work, fostering a culture of honesty and trust.


We believe in the power of collective intelligence and work hand-in-hand with our partners for mutual growth.


We are committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in AI, driving innovation at every turn.

Pioneering a New Market

Our Market Landscape

While many vendors offer one-off-purchases or subscriptions, we've broken the mold with a platform that's designed for LLMs at its core. We're not just participating in the market; we're creating a new segment for LLM-to-LLM data exchange.

Ready to try it? Get started in less than a minute.

Buy and sell AI embeddings with the world's first AI marketplace. We are currently in beta and are looking for early adopters to join our community.

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